"Le Beau est toujours bizarre" (Charles Baudelaire)

"Le Beau est toujours bizarre" (Charles Baudelaire)

Gothic and Dark Fantasy Art, Neosurrealism in Photography, Illustration, Art Dolls, Digital and Mixed Media Arts...

Attention : les photos publiées sur ce site sont utilisées pour promouvoir le talent des artistes et ne sont pas libres de droits.
Please note that pictures published on this site are there to promote and encourage artists' skills and are copyrighted.

dimanche 21 février 2010


...c'est le titre de la nouvelle exposition qui ouvrira ses portes le 18 mars 2010 (vernissage) et ce jusqu'au 30 avril, au Cabinet des Curieux, 12 Passage Verdeau dans le 9ème arrondissement, (aaaaah, mon ancien quartier!!!) à Paris. Je cite :

"Après le succès de l'exposition "Venus Robotica", Thierry RUBY réunit à nouveau une équipe d'artistes internationaux, sous la direction artistique de monsieur "B." pour:

Une exposition tournée vers une interprétation intellectualisée et exigeante de nos désirs.
Une interrogation de nos pulsions refoulées les plus secrètes.
Une exposition révélant ce qui est enfoui."

Julia Dasic

Paul Toupet

Eric Keller



John Santerineross

John Santerineross





Aaron Hawks

Aaron Hawks

Aaron Hawks



Chanceux parisiens, allez-y!!!

The creepy explorations of Laurie Lipton

The last dance


Death and the maiden

La Catrina

Laurie Lipton est une dessinatrice de grand talent. Chacun de ses dessins est une prouesse technique, si détaillée qu'elle en devient presque scientifique!! Son style peut paraître étrange, voire "dérangeant", moi, au contraire, je le trouve plein de beauté et de gaîté.
Elle vient de publier un ouvrage, que vous pouvez vous procurer ici
Son site :
Vous pouvez aussi visiter son MySpace.

mercredi 17 février 2010

Victoria Francés

I just love this spanish artist. You must go and see her beautiful website here.

by: Emily Dickinson (1830-1886)
      OING to heaven!
      I don't know when,
      Pray do not ask me how,--
      Indeed, I'm too astonished
      To think of answering you!
      Going to heaven!--
      How dim it sounds!
      And yet it will be done
      As sure as flocks go home at night
      Unto the shepherd's arm!

      Perhaps you're going too!
      Who knows?
      If you should get there first,
      Save just a little place for me
      Close to the two I lost!
      The smallest "robe" will fit me,
      And just a bit of "crown";
      For you know we do not mind our dress
      When we are going home.

      I'm glad I don't believe it,
      For it would stop my breath,
      And I'd like to look a little more
      At such a curious earth!
      I am glad they did believe it
      Whom I have never found
      Since the mighty autumn afternoon
      I left them in the ground.

The dark and enchanted world of Kate Dawidziak

She is one of my favorite artists. Her artwork is stunning, dark and beautiful... Just have a look to her website here ! You'll be enchanted.... Welcome to her world!

mardi 16 février 2010

A little poem by Tim Burton


Her skin is white cloth,
and she's all sewn apart
and she has many colored pins
sticking out of her heart.

She has many different zombies
who are deeply in her trance.
She even has a zombie
who was originally from France.

But she knows she has a curse on her,
a curse she cannot win.
For if someone gets
too close to her,
the pins stick farther in.

And a magical video here... Enjoy!

dimanche 14 février 2010

Margarita Surnaite

Cecilia's revenge

Water Shows the Hidden Heart

Nocturnal Ghost II


Nocturnal Ghost

Margarita Surnaite is a very young Lithuanian artist creating "pop surrealistic" digital art and currently studying Graphics at Vilnius Academy of Arts.

You can discover her art on MySpace, DeviantArt and Carbonmade.